28 Day Challenge, Heaven’s Health Care Plan Vs The Government’s Health Care Plan

28 Day Challenge Heaven’s Health Care Plan Vs The Government’s Health Care Plan The major difference between Heaven’s health care plan and the government’s health care plan is this:  The government can only provide help for us after sickness has attacked one’s body.  The help they provide is not a remedy to the illness, but … [Read more…]

28 Day Challenge – You Can Win

28 Day Challenge You Can Win by Carolyn Bridges Today I began reading Pastor Andre’s book, You Can Win.  I know, I’m a little late for the 28 day challenge, but I am going to catch up real fast.  Although the challenge started September 30, 2012 and ends October 27, 2012, a few logistics hindered … [Read more…]

Untitled Post

Hello Everyone, Carolyn and I want to thank you for reading and following our blog.  The Lord placed in our hearts a number of years ago to use the technology of the internet to take the gospel to the world.  In obedience to that call we have established and endeavored to maintain this blog.  We know that there … [Read more…]