Honey I Shrunk the Bills

Be the Lender and Not the Borrower Remember the movie, “Honey I Shrunk the Kids”. Well its time for another movie, and the title should be “Honey I Shrunk the Bills”. This would be a wonderful thing for some and an absolute necessity for others. The bible tells us to owe no man anything but … [Read more…]

Hungry for the Word

People are starving everyday. Not just from not having food, but also from not getting enough of the Word of God. God generally speaks to us in three ways: Dreams, from His Word and from His prophets. Are you getting enough of Gods Word. Maybe you need to fast a meal and read the bible. You … [Read more…]

Unbelief, the Enemy of God

Hebrews 3:12 (King James Version) By Carolyn Bridges Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God. (13) For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end.                             Believe means to have … [Read more…]

2013: The Year of Unprecedented Favor

The Word of the Lord Delivered by: Dr. Jerry Savelle October 21, 2012 More and more this new year will bring, for the God of glory is doing a new thing.  Favor will manifest as never before, and every door that’s been shut will be shut no more. Blessings will flow like the falling rain, … [Read more…]

What Jesus Says about Love

It is no problem to pray for those we like and love. We often will bless and do good for our relative and friends. This is very easy to do. We like and esteem people who bless us. We will encourage and motivate them and say good things about them. Well, we should do all … [Read more…]

A Model Prayer for Victory!

When adversity comes your way, use this model for a prayer to victory:  1. Find the promise in God’s Word that covers the issue. Joshua 1:8  2. Ask God specifically for what you want. Matthew 7:7,8   3. Believe that you receive the answer. Mark 11:23-25      4. Praise God for answering your prayer. Psalm … [Read more…]

Prayers go out for Russian People

Unexpected asteriod blast injures over 500 people in Russia. Some people thought it was the end of the world. This meteor, exptected to reach within 17,500 miles of earth was not projected to cause and damage or impact. Scientist now say that the explosion was not the results of the meteor or asteroid.

Living in the Glory – Part 4

We have been studying the word glory. In this blog we look at the word glory from the new testament.  The greek word for “Glory”  is Doxa which is translated as:  glory (as very apparent), dignity, glory(-ious), honour, praise, worship.  When we look at the word glory as it relates to Jesus, we see that the … [Read more…]